MolySOFT is a private IT consultancy based in the UK specialising in providing performance consultancy services to our clients. These services currently consist of the following:
Performance Testing
Performance Trouble-Shooting
Performance Due Diligence
- Application Peformance Monitoring (APM) Implementation. Configuration and Management
The company
principal, Ian Molyneaux, has over 35 years experience in IT and is
a published author on application performance testing best
practice. Ians book "The Art of Application Performance
Testing", available from publishers O'Reilly, was first
released in January 2009 followed by a second edition in late 2014
in partnership with friend and colleague Larry Haig who specialises
in FEO. A further updated edition is planned for release in the
third quarter of 2016.
Ian also speaks at many IT events and works in an advisory capacity with a number of leading performance testing and APM tool vendors.
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